• The risk of wasting money on underperforming ads each month.

  • Countless hours lost pursuing leads that never convert.

  • The constant stress of wondering where your next project will originate.

From a Team of Experts Who Help Connect Solar Installers Across the U.S. With Qualified Solar Leads Every Month...

Fully Done For Them!

This is for you if...

  • You're tired of watching your marketing budget evaporate each month on ads that fail to bring in qualified solar projects.

  • You're spending countless hours chasing leads that never pan out into actual clients, draining your energy and resources.

  • The uncertainty of where your next solar project will come from is a constant source of stress and concern for your business.

  • You rely heavily on unpredictable referrals and wish for a more reliable, consistent stream of new solar clients.

  • You're fed up with initial consultations that don’t convert into retained solar projects, leaving you frustrated and questioning your approach.

Our Solar Lead A.I. System

Step 1:

Leveraging the precision of Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok's targeted data, we deploy installer-crafted advertisements to homeowners interested in solar energy.

Step 2:

Our leads undergo a 6-step qualification quiz, ensuring only the most relevant leads reach our call center by filtering out unsuitable prospects in advance.

Step 3:

Utilize A.I. to send the qualified solar leads over to you and your team along with setting an appointment with the potential client.

Our Solar Lead A.I. System

Our Solar Lead A.I. System delivers ready-to-sign solar projects directly to your business every month...

Without you doing anything at all.

This system, crafted from extensive months of experimentation, has been repeatedly tested to establish its effectiveness beyond a reasonable doubt...

And it ensures…

  • Maximized ad efficiency, targeting only high-intent solar leads to reduce wasted spend.

  • Saved time, by bringing only pre-qualified leads directly to you.

  • A consistent flow of projects, removing the unpredictability from your business.

  • A steady stream of new clients, cutting down your reliance on inconsistent referrals.

  • Higher conversion rates, by connecting you with better-prepared prospects.

Secure New Solar Projects Today!

Boost Your Project Inflow – Schedule a Discovery Call Now!

Our Founder

Jack Lacy

Founder of Client Forge

What’s Next?

Are you ready to get qualified solar leads every month...

So you gain more solar projects and increase your installation inflow using the Solar Lead A.I. System?

Schedule below to book a no-obligation discovery call with our team!

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